What’s your approach to managing SEO for enterprise-level products with millions of pages?

The Answer To This Interview Question:
Managing SEO at the enterprise level is all about prioritization, scalability, and automation. I start by identifying high-impact pages with the best traffic and conversion potential to prioritize my efforts. I implement programmatic SEO to automate metadata, internal linking, and templated page optimizations. For monitoring, I set up scalable reporting dashboards that surface performance trends, technical issues, and opportunities. Crawl budget optimization is key to ensure search engines focus on the most important pages.

What The Interviewer Really Wants To Hear:

This question evaluates whether the candidate can manage SEO at scale. Look for prioritization, scalable automation, and strategies to handle large page volumes effectively.

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Tips To Answer This Interview Question Successfully

Prioritize High-Impact Pages

I focus on high-value pages that have traffic and revenue potential instead of spreading resources too thin.

Leverage Programmatic SEO

I automate tasks like internal linking, templated metadata, and schema markup to handle massive page volumes efficiently.

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