Mark Williams-Cook

Mark Williams-Cook: My SEO Career Journey

  Hi! 👋  We’re so glad to feature you on Please introduce yourself to our site’s readers.  My name’s Mark Williams-Cook (Twitter | LinkedIn) and I’m currently a director at Candour, a digital agency based in Norwich, UK, Founder of intent research tool and co-owner of an …Read More

Jess Joyce: My SEO Career Journey

Jess Joyce: My SEO Career Journey

Welcome to the SEO Careers interview series. This week, we’re excited to welcome Jess Joyce, who's an SEO Consultant with 15 years of experience. Originally planning to become a Flash Multimedia developer, Jess pivoted into SEO around 2007. She now resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, & can …Read More

Kyle Faber

Kyle Faber: My SEO Career Journey

Welcome to the SEO Careers interview series. This week, we’re excited to sit down with Kyle Faber, Senior SEO Manager at Solv Health. He’s a 14-year veteran of the SEO industry, with a wealth of knowledge ranging from Agency co-founder, to roles in boutique businesses. You can connect …Read More