SEO Specialist
Hi, my name is Thomas. I am a self-taught SEO Specialist. I started my career as a web developer making websites before I got into SEO so I am able to help clients who need help with creating a new website or redeveloping their website and optimizing it for Google. I have been doing this since 2015.
Career History
I have been a freelance SEO specialist since 2012, worked at Caesars Entertainment in Las Vegas from 2019 to 2023, and my most recent job was working remotely for a digital marketing agency based in North Carolina.
My freelance work has included working with various agencies and business owners focusing on all aspects of SEO.
Before doing freelance SEO, I worked in the gaming industry focusing on public relations and viral marketing, spending a lot of time reaching out to blogs and media sites and getting articles and press releases published.
What Are You Looking For in Your Next Role?
I’m looking for a leadership position that offers a good high-paying salary. I’m looking for a role that gives me the opportunity to manage and oversee client campaigns with no micromanagement.
Anything Else?
I launched a startup in the Philippines called coursefinder.ph which has been getting traffic since I first launched it. It’s been a passion project for me which has helped me learn a lot about entrepreneurship and allowed me to apply what I know in SEO to gain traffic.
How to Contact This SEO Applicant
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Individuals Seeking SEO Jobs